English words and Examples of Usage
use "aquifer" in a sentence
The region is semiarid, primarily dependent on the Ogallala Aquifer for water.
Just downstream of the Sullivan Road Bridge the aquifer actually leaks into the river.
Thus, a spring is a site where the aquifer surface meets the ground surface.
Bexar highway section opens New part of Texas 211 designed to protect aquifer.
Some commercial printed references on aquifer test interpretation: * Batu, V. (1998).
Harris 1997, p. 33 Th
e principal aquifer in the region is contained in Navajo Sandstone.
Aquifer : A geological landform that retains rain water drained from the surrounding area.
The aquifer provides all of the city's water and is essential
for the agriculture for the surrounding area.
The underlying rock is Corallian limestone but overlying deposits insulate the river water from this aquifer.
If a confined aquifer follows a downward grade from its recharge
zone, groundwater can become pressurized as it flows.
Some were located atop the center of the hot water aquifer on Miracle Hill, where Cabot Yerxa, the first settler lived.
Drilling information was used to conduct a vari
ety of studies regarding the hydrogeological setting of the area's aquifer.
43 more results not shown.
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