English words and Examples of Usage
use "apostate" in a sentence
A note to a French newspaper next day said he died preparing an attack on the apostate SR.
In one paper, Wilson discussed the unreliability of apostate testimony.
ISBN 0-943575-65-6 * The reliability of apostate testimony about new religious movements.
The biological and linguistic data could have come from Moraes, a Brazilian Jesuit priest turned apostate.
Roman Emperor Julian the Apostate (360-363) resided in Naissus briefly in
361, prior to becoming the sole Augustus.
Julian's gods: religion and philosophy in the thought and action of Julian the Apostate, London, 1995.33.0848
At one point an al Qaeda official referred to bin Laden's call to j
ihad against the apostate government of Pakistan.
Brother Nidal is the ideal role model for every repentant Muslim in the armies of the unbelievers and apostate regimes.
It pits itself as a defender of the people agains
t what it calls the apostate army.
And because of this system, apostate, traitor armies were put upon the Islamic lands and the rulers hostile to Islam.
In some instances, people may even take matters into their own h
ands and beat an apostate to death without the case going to court.
One who commits apostasy is an apostate, or one who apostatizes.
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