English words and Examples of Usage
use "apocryphal" in a sentence
I am told they are apocryphal, said Mexican Deputy Interior Minister Roberto Campa.
The Gnostic tradition was a prolific source of apocryphal gospels.
Moreover, custom has even given to several apocryphal canons of the Decree of Gratian the force of law.
The supposed establishment here in 1016 of a house of Augustinian Canons by Emperor Henry II is apocryphal.
This apocryphal text relates that Matthias went among the cannibals and
, being cast into prison, was delivered by Andrew.
The apocryphal story credits Betsy Ross for sewing the first flag from a pencil sketch handed to her by George Washington.
Apocryphal Writings He is associated with the a
uthorship of several epistles, many of which are known to be forged.17.9076
But in the cosmopolitan Weimar capital, Bey's apocryphal insights into the exotic caliphates of the East were a big hit.
The apocryphal story goe
s that only 3,000 people bought the Velvet Underground's first album, but every one of them formed a band.
There are rumours that the Apple logo, with a bite taken out of it, was inspired by Turing but it seems that is (sadly) a
The Heart Sutra: A Chinese Apocryphal Text?
A third copy is found in the apocryphal I Esdras.
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