English words and Examples of Usage
use "apartheid" in a sentence
COSAS was originally set up as an anti-apartheid organization in 1979.
Don't get me wrong - many achievements have come with the end of apartheid.
Tutu was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1984 for campaigning againstapartheid.
The constitution was never intended to create a state of apartheid in New Brunswick.
Wysham said, Why protest the Keystone Pipeline, why take on Apartheid in South Africa?
Botha, who died in 2006, l
ed South Africa for more than a decade under the racist apartheid regime.
Prime Minister Manuel Valls, shocking some, used the term apartheid to describe the French divide.
Nelson Mandela spent his life fighting for j
ustice against the apartheid system of South Africa.
The imperial and apartheid governments categorized them as Coloureds.
He was embroiled in controversy after being accused of being an apartheid spy.
Career Manku
nku chose to remain in his native Cape Town during Apartheid.
The nation of Lesotho is entirely surrounded by South Africa, so when the leader began criticizing South African apartheid in 1983, South Africa was able to close Les
otho's borders, strangling the country. strap
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Example sentences with the apartheid, a sentence example for apartheid, and
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