English words and Examples of Usage
use "antecedent" in a sentence
When the antecedent is this, that, these or those it is usual to use 'which'.
The Akkadian term is assumed to be derived from a Sumerian antecedent.
Benard (2000, pp. 9-11) The Buddhist Chinnamunda is believed to be the antecedent of the Hindu Chhinnamasta.
Group cohesiveness as interpersonal attraction: a review of relationships with antecedent and consequent variables.
Nazarene Women and Religion Sources on Clergy and Lay Women i
n the Church with antecedent and related materials.31.5078
Namely, its near the end of the sentence is a possessive pronoun whose antecedent is the very predicate in which it occurs.
Gapping is also incapable of opera
ting backwards, which means that the antecedent to the gap must precede the gap.23.8326
The die-form is the regular vorm, the wie-form is only used when the antecedent is missing.
Combining the terms antecedent and
moisture together means preceding wetness conditions.
For instance, the derivation of B ? (A ? B) true is hypothetical with antecedent A true (named u).
This is the direct antecedent of the taxonomy used today t
o distinguish tribes that are officially recognized by the government.
Its usage has two specific rules: it agrees with the antecedent in gender, number and case, and it is used only if the antecedent is definite.
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chicane -
chicane -
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Example sentences with the antecedent, a sentence example for antecedent, and
to make antecedent in sample sentence,
how do I use the word antecedentin a sentence? How do you spell antecedent in a
sentence? spelling of antecedentw
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