English words and Examples of Usage
use "analgesic" in a sentence
Is sucrose an effective analgesic for newborn babies?37.4605
Self-administration of an analgesic does not alleviate pain in beak-trimmed chickens.
In some hands the average analgesic use is two Tylenol in the first twenty four hours.
Analgesic use and chronic renal failure: a critical review of the epidemiologic literature.
The cholecystokinin antagonist proglumide enhances the analgesic effect of dihydrocodeine.
is an analgesic cannabinoid derivative created by Organix Inc. for use in scientific research.
O-2545 is an analgesic cannabinoid derivative created by Organix Inc. for use in scientific research.
For example, if a heada
che does not resolve with a small dose of an oral analgesic, more may be taken.
Myrrh was shown Nature 1996, 379, 29 to produce analgesic effects on mice which were subjected to pain.
CPN being the most common cause, ther
e are other causes including analgesic nephropathy and obstructive injury.
PMID 17980589 It has sedative and analgesic effects, with analgesia lasting for up to 24 hours after administration.
Sameridine is a 4- phenyl pip
eridine derivative that is related to the opioid analgesic drug pethidine (meperidine).
5 more results not shown.
ambulatory -
ambulatory -
coagulation -
averse -
ancillary -
Example sentences with the analgesic, a sentence example for analgesic, and
to make analgesic in sample sentence,
how do I use the word analgesicin a sentence? How do you spell analgesic in a
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