English words and Examples of Usage
use "anachronism" in a sentence
The presence of Colonel Hogan in a Stalag is an anachronism since Stalags were only for enlisted personnel.
Schlafly 1977, p. 52. Schlafly rejects the feminist view that the family is an anachronism that binds women down.
Medieval See also: :Medieval reenactment The Society for Creative Anachronism is probably the largest group to focus on this period.
Esdaile, p. 72-73 et. seq. While some authors use exaltados almost interchangeably with
progresistas, others view this as an anachronism.
You could just always add time-machine-operator to your steampunk resume and sidestep that anachronism.
The base is a complete anachronism on the one hand, and a constant
blight on America's global reputation.
In the age of Google, Amazon and high-frequency stock trading, the corporate bond market remains an anachronism.
Dealing with people on the phone or in person is becoming a time-cons
uming anachronism.
The name Shemoneh Esreh, literally eighteen, is an historical anachronism, since it now contains nineteen blessings.
However, this third degree is an anachronism from the 19th century and is not reg
isterable with the Irish Medical Council.
Several international organisations, such as the Society for Creative Anachronism and the International Jousting Association.
Hyphenated routes The Louisiana state highway system
s most ubiquitous and unique anachronism is the infamous hyphenated routes.
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affront -
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antecedent -
circuitous -
collate -
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