English words and Examples of Usage
use "amok" in a sentence
I agree with Jonathan Chait in that political correctness has run amok in America.
Because of her small form, she is carried around and cared for by Amok, her servant.
A shower of blood rains down from the air duct, and the prisoners run amok in a panic.
Even pro-Imperial cardinals had to pay to save their properties from the amok soldiers.
The book was republished in 2002 by Amok Books as Panzram: A Journal Of Murder (ISBN 1-878923-1
The French, while admitting that their troops ran amok, denied that their soldiers killed anyone other than armed enemies.
The ox can also be seen as representing the blind passions of the young boy, escaping the wa
lls of his humanity and running amok.
This was a client pushing an ad agency amok.
This is a case of dangerous group-think run amok.
It tells you that this was not an ad agency gone amok.
We are the Unite
d States of America and it's our job to rein in the excesses of capitalism so it doesn't run amok.
Islamic extremists running amok in Iraq?
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