English words and Examples of Usage
use "amnesia" in a sentence
Could amnesia be an excuse not to say more and risk self-incrimination?
He added: How big is his penis that it gives you amnesia for 40 years?
Amnesia is a problem of retrieval impairment, the Nobel Prize-winning scientist said.
Such shortsightedness and amnesia usually mean a major top in the market is not far off.
Clinton said that reflects the Republican Party's mass amnesia about the 2008 financial crisis.
After h
is retirement, Webster suffered from amnesia, dementia, depression, and bone and muscle pain.
He developed a syndrome neurologists call profound amnesia.
He suffered amnesia upon landing on Earth, where he met Superboy.
Music Memory Provides Access to Verbal Knowledge in a Patient with Global Amnesia.
Amnesia can even develop for the dissociated consciousness that drove the automobile.
King Sky exorcises Red, but he sacrifices hims
elf to finish off Amnesia.32.1034
Profound retrograde amnesia following mild head injury: organic or functional?50.1972
82 more results not shown.
attenuate - attenuate - barrage - buoyant - barring - bleak
Example sentences with the amnesia, a sentence example for amnesia, and
to make amnesia in sample sentence,
how do I use the word amnesiain a sentence? How do you spell amnesia in a
sentence? spelling of amnesiaw
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