English words and Examples of Usage
use "ameliorate" in a sentence
Financial reforms may ameliorate the current economic difficulties.
Political reforms may ameliorate the living conditions of the poor.
He helped to ameliorate the living conditions of working men.
A large number of people became attracted to him upon hearing of his yogic powers to ameliorate their sufferings.
Drug donation however, does not ameliorate the deficiency of new chemical entities being researched and developed.4.8925
br>It would be wonderful if this research gave us hints to ameliorate muscle atrophy due to aging or diseases.
Such transit camps would be completely unsuitable to ameliorate the catastrophe at Europe's door, Pro Asyl said
Unfortunately, however, Ukraine hasn't exactly reciprocated or moved to ameliorate Polish grievances or concerns.
Dynamic branch prediction was added to ameliorate the longer branch latencies.
Within this con
text, FPVS works to ameliorate the discrepancy between supply and demand in poor areas.
The federal government had little presence in the Great Basin and made little effort to ameliorate the situation.
Resources are used
for subsidies for investments to ameliorate service provision by both public and private service providers.
2 more results not shown.
acclamation -
acclamation -
aggravate -
chequered -
atrocity -
Example sentences with the ameliorate, a sentence example for ameliorate, and
to make ameliorate in sample sentence,
how do I use the word amelioratein a sentence? How do you spell ameliorate in a
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