English words and Examples of Usage
use "affliction" in a sentence
The patients weren't told of their affliction or sufficiently treated.
But, as a true addict, I've finally reached the acceptance stage of my affliction.
But don't expect any references to radiation, the mutant reptile's trademark affliction.
Jesus is able to cure every affliction of the people who come to see him.
Are not our hapless brethren in the German Reich eating the bread of affliction?
Oxord University Press, 2007'
' -And from then on Menw was never without affliction.
Mor means plague in the sense of a disastrous evil or affliction, or a sudden unwelcome outbreak.
One of her visitors has left a votive offering (tama) depictin
g eyes to indicate what her affliction is.
In some cases of this affliction, the condition is unnoticeable until after a slight shrinkage of the penis.11.9959
The diviner is able to determine whether witchcraft or sorcery
is responsible for the affliction and to discover the source.
He died in Munich on February 23, 1999 from prostate cancer after several years of heroic fight against this deadly affliction.
He suffered a peculiar afflict
ion in which blinding flashes of light would appear before his eyes, often accompanied by visions.
26 more results not shown.
autocracy -
autocracy -
amenable -
agape -
actuarial -
Example sentences with the affliction, a sentence example for affliction, and
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