English words and Examples of Usage
use "aegis" in a sentence
So you want to search by Aegis Wallet, that's one of the top ones right now.
The Aegis collision why couldn't it have been avoided?
Funding The Irish Film Board is under the aegis of Department of Arts, Sport and Tourism.
Each club has a hostel representative working under the aegis of the hostel cultural secretary.
The Inner Sphere banded together under the aegis of the Star League to take the fight to the Clans.
Rajeev In
stitute of Technology in Hassan was established under the aegis of Rajeev Education Trust.
They also released a mind-boggling remix collection of Aegis' hits entitled Ating Sayawin.41.7991
The magazine was revived in 2004
under the aegis of Pif Editions, with runs of approximately 100,000 units.
Under Roos's aegis the magazine won Best Front Cover of the year award at the Magazine Design Awards in 2003.
The arrival of Aegis-fang, however,
allowed the friends to destroy the demon, again banishing it for a hundred years.
The college became an institution preparing candidates for the BA examination under the aegis of Calcutta University.
The Olympic Conferen
ce operates under the aegis of the New Jersey State Interscholastic Athletic Association (NJSIAA).
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Example sentences with the aegis, a sentence example for aegis, and
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