English words and Examples of Usage
use "adversary" in a sentence
The adversary fired more than 2700 shots at the Karabakh positions.
Dont think of them as an adversary or an obstacle you need to overcome.
Then the adversary offers competitive prices that his victim can't meet.
That made it more difficult for an adversary to fight an attack from the sea.
At the same time, they were your adversary, your nemesis, even your mortal enemy.
Today, the United States basically has only one serious n
uclear adversary: Russia.
The adversary also used TR-107 Rocket-Launcher of Turkish production (12 salvo fires).
The deputies spurred Garcia's 350-pound adversary on, Adachi told CNN affiliate KGO.
Shes the real a
dversary tonight and we better stay focused as Republicans on her, Christie said.
Criteria 2. A risk is high when it is no doubt an adversary could exploit an existing vulnerability.
Squadron aircraft wear a unique adve
rsary blue camouflage paint scheme.
This adversary is so strong that randomization does not help against him.
105 more results not shown.
circumstance -
circumstance -
cessation -
ailment -
bask -
Example sentences with the adversary, a sentence example for adversary, and
to make adversary in sample sentence,
how do I use the word adversaryin a sentence? How do you spell adversary in a
sentence? spelling of adversaryw
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