English words and Examples of Usage
use "acute" in a sentence
That actually makes the inadequacy of my oh well even more acute.
A different scenario is causing the chancellor more acute concerns.
Instead of all right angles, some apparently becoming acute, some obtuse.
Not long after, Malcolm dies of acute alcoholism and sexual hypertension.
Falling bee populations are an acute problem in many industrialized countries.
The autopsy also diagnosed Harris with acute intoxication by met
Running a deficit seems to be becoming normal practice for acute trusts, he said.
VTI-212 was enrolling patients with acute liver failure in a mid-stage study.
The use of the pesticide is restricted
in the United States because of its acute toxicity.
The child died in March 2014 from what an autopsy determined to be acute methadone toxicity.
With half of India's 1.2 billion people 25 or younger, the need to create m
ore jobs is acute.
By contrast, Kant maintained, light-skinned Caucasians were active, acute, and adventurous.
322 more results not shown.
adversary -
adversary -
adaptation -
adjutant -
censure -
Example sentences with the acute, a sentence example for acute, and
to make acute in sample sentence,
how do I use the word acutein a sentence? How do you spell acute in a
sentence? spelling of acutew
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