English words and Examples of Usage
use "accumulate" in a sentence
Waste, mail accumulate Consider the home at 197 Boulton Avenue in Riverdale.
Even more superficial is that users accumulate likes they receive from people.
Not to mention, most government student loans accumulate interest after graduation.
Areas northeast of the line could see the wet snow accumulate as much as 10 to 20 cm.
But as time wore on, it began to accumulate associations with evil that persist today.
Bureaucrats will
no longer accumulate points towards the province's Public Service Award.
In our short visit, we accumulate a kaleidoscope of images from a major natural disaster.
Small homes spare their owners from having to furnish and
accumulate a large volume of stuff.
The strands of glue accumulate into an almost biological form that seems to crawl across the wall.
Styrofoam doesn't biodegrade, and tends to accumulate in our environment.
windows accumulate frost on winter mornings.
CD8(+)NKR-P1A (+)T cells preferentially accumulate in human liver.85.7578
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to make accumulate in sample sentence,
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