English words and Examples of Usage
use "accommodation" in a sentence
We made accommodation to the Fort Hood shooter to let him grow a beard.
Students born in 2001 and were granted special accommodation to sit in 2015.
We are going to come to an accommodation of some sort, he told BBC television.
Emergency accommodation has been set up in a youth centre and the town's church.
Hillary, as part of the Obama Administration was an accommodation, a compromise.
Their luck has improved further, with ac
commodation that caters to Mattis needs.
And secondly, have not taken the issue of consultation and accommodation seriously.
Because it is so hard, so hard to find accommodation in Vancouver, said Evans.
725 includes all transport, full board accommodation, park fees and guides; naturetrek.
She had not been coping in her accommodation and felt that she had no option but to leave.
Amazingly, the igloo isn't the most esoter
ic form of accommodation that Funasfjallen offers.
The Equality Act also would widen the definition of what constitutes a public accommodation.
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Example sentences with the accommodation, a sentence example for accommodation, and
to make accommodation in sample sentence,
how do I use the word accommodationin a sentence? How do you spell accommodation in a
sentence? spelling of accommodationw
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