English words and Examples of Usage
use "abundant" in a sentence
And in the arts and entertainment community there is life abundant.
There's abundant evidence that when health insurers merge, premiums rise.
Taiwan receives abundant annual rains, but it still suffers frequent droughts.
Low food prices caused by abundant supplies are putting pressure on producers.
Diamonds, once a scarce resource, are perhaps quickly becoming abundant.
Flies were abundant and continue to be an issue for livest
ock producers.
As long as water remained abundant, the cheapness of water would likely not change.
We can imagine a world with relatively abundant whale populations again, Roman said.
Readers learn to experience a
life that is as abundant as one's wildest imaginations.
Land food such as berries can be abundant for polar bears but low quality, Rode said.
Biting cold and abundant snowfall: These are the conditions currently prevailin
g in Germany.
Fish is an abundant source of protein and it will last forever if it's looked after properly.
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to make abundant in sample sentence,
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