English words and Examples of Usage
use "aberrant" in a sentence
The unique, and aberrant, feature of the RTA is it is a statutory oligarchy.
Dragonmarks come in five forms: aberrant, least, lesser, greater, and Siberys.
The subfamily Nestorinae contains three living species of aberrant parrots from New Zealand.
Human FLI-1 localizes to chromosome 11Q24 and has an aberrant transcript in neuroepithelioma.
Remodeling of the transmembrane segment in human glycophorin by aberrant RNA splicing.48.6529
Dysphagia due to an aberrant right subclavian artery is termed dysphagia lusoria.39.8311
In medicine, COBRA has been used as a tool to help diagnose human disease involving aberrant DNA methylation.
EMX2 gene expr
ession in the female reproductive tract and aberrant expression in the endometrium of patients with endometriosis.
Coronal and radial images of the meniscus are useful to demonstrate the extension of the aberrant meniscus into t
he joint as seen here.
It would make enough money to be able to afford to hire folks to patrol the forests for this type of aberrant behavior.
Applying a knee-jerk Fix to an isolated incident with a known aberrant cau
se is why government ends up paying $600 for a hammer.
She is usually hard to figure out, and is readily aberrant.
7 more results not shown.
amity -
amity -
apocryphal -
bemused -
celibate -
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to make aberrant in sample sentence,
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