English words and Examples of Usage
use "stubborn" in a sentence
But as death goes on, life goes on, each as stubborn as the other.
She is happy sometimes, tired & cranky other times and stubborn too.
But the hottest use of fermented foods is to burn stubborn fat, Mullin said.
I think at times we could’ve been more stubborn in the run game as I look at it.
Even the most stubborn supporter of China would realize that Taiwan is not at fault.
Despite any reasonable advice, our nation's leader is on a stubborn and destructive path.
With money like that flying around, maybe it's no wonder that boxing is so stubborn in its ways.
It also said Thursday that stubborn creditors could stall or block the broader debt restructuring.
Facts are stubborn, and nationhood is one of those facts of history that keep reasserting themselves.
Few had expected Savchenko, who has described herself as "very stubborn," to relent and end her strike.
He and his wife are always arguing because they're both too stubborn to give in.
” Yugong said: “your heart is really stubborn.55.
They offered stubborn resistance to the invading army.
According to my book on palm reading, fingers which are short and blunt in appearance denote a stubborn character.
Evanlyn is described as being very determined and on occasions stubborn.
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