English words and Examples of Usage
use "overlook" in a sentence
Developers should not overlook enabling these in their watch apps.
We tend to overlook that because we want to transplant these organs.
Here topped copper-green domes overlook narrow alleyway craft bazaars.
It’s easy for most people to overlook how that affects our daily lives.
Traders in Asia seemed happy to overlook weak economic data out of China.
No, the Huskies know they can’t afford to overlook the rebuilding Beavers.
"The Talibanization of the Pakistan military is something we can't overlook.
"It is difficult to overlook Vincent Enyeama, because he had a fantastic year.
That's not an excuse, but it is critical information that is easy to overlook.
You can't overlook things more often than not in a relationship,"" she said."
Color us thoroughly impressed and willing to overlook that the video is an advertisement.
But she says officials sometimes overlook other reasons why people are struggling economically.
I found a scattered circle of rocks near the overlook at Bernal Heights where I was taking pictures.
They all walked a mile up the road to overlook the Channel Tunnel entrance where speeches were made.
Essie Jackson, 23, was found on March 23, 1983 at the bottom of a steep embankment in Overlook Park.
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overwhelm -
overturn -
overthrow -
overtake -
oversee -
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