English words and Examples of Usage
use "intend" in a sentence
We own the land and we intend to develop it one way or the other."
For the record, Foyt doesn't intend to go anywhere just yet.
It remains to be seen how far the rebels intend to push their advance.
What role does the U.S. intend to play in the world spaceflight arena?
WMATA staff didn’t intend to provide LL with all this information.
By the power of our ballots, we intend to retire Prime Minister Christie.
We intend to reunite her with her family as soon as feasible," she added.
Clearly, Vince Granatelli did not intend to hand the keys to just anyone.
He told CNN he did not intend to link the piece with the Tiananmen symbol.
And in a hopeful moment, O'Malley added, "I intend to win this nomination."
Our representatives mean business and intend to protect us from future harm.
I have never supported legalization and do not intend to support legalization."
His lawyer, Roger Kraft, said Morley didn't intend to hurt the 5-year-old girl.
And I intend to keep talking about the issues that matter to the American people.
We intend to host the meeting later in the year," said spokesman Jason MacDonald.
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Example sentences with the intend, a sentence example for intend, and
to make intend in sample sentence,
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