English words and Examples of Usage
use "identical" in a sentence
In a bizarre coincidence, both movies even climax in identical ways.
Each student was given an identical set of plans to work from.
The Senate is expected to clear a test vote on an identical bill on Monday.
They're almost identical to the flu: headaches, fatigue, vomiting, and fever.
They came prepared, wearing matching black leather pants and identical blouses.
Just to differentiate themselves from the other, nearly identical thugs from before.
That being said, astronauts' meals aren't identical to those served on Earth.
"The law now is drafted in California almost identical to Oregon's law,” Eighmey said.
Sanchez's partner in crime, Marvin Norwood, pleaded guilty to an identical charge a week ago.
The amount of money Optus gained under both deals with NBN Co was an identical AU$800 million.
Short of the different internals between the three models, the screens and sizes were identical.
Bridesmaids (looking identical) were used to confuse evil spirits that may descend on the bride.
This is identical whether the host is Windows or OS X. Installing Windows 10 into VirtualBox on..
The House will vote later Friday on a bill identical to one headed to the Senate floor next week.
It looks the same, aside from a matte finish instead of a glossy one, and all the ports are identical.
846 more results not shown.
ignore -
ignorant -
idle -
idiot -
ideology -
Example sentences with the identical, a sentence example for identical, and
to make identical in sample sentence,
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