English words and Examples of Usage
use "facilitate" in a sentence
“The whole gamut of EDI is to facilitate trade in a very fast way.”
“Peshdary provided financial support to facilitate the travel to ISIS.
But hey, he's going to facilitate some great advances in cyber security.
A real estate agent can help facilitate the searching and buying process.
I said I was happy to facilitate scheduling for convenience, Ohlendorf said.
He wants schools to facilitate more community services for students and families.
IDEA's goal is to make positive, long-lasting change and facilitate civic engagement.
More than 5,000 US companies made use of the arrangement to facilitate data transfers.
VH1 has opted to facilitate a round table discussion, so we can talk about this openly.
PayPal can facilitate the payment process when you're not making the exchange in person.
His rank was revoked after an investigation found he took bribes to facilitate promotions.
Ould Cheikh Ahmed said the Omanis and others are trying to facilitate the U.N.-led process.
Also, the schools used to facilitate the past Nampa School District expulsion program.
The Jordan and Gulf Arab text calls on all parties to facilitate the evacuation of foreigners.
It denies claims of interference in Afghanistan and says it wants to facilitate the peace process.
393 more results not shown.
faculty -
factory -
factor -
faction -
fact -
Example sentences with the facilitate, a sentence example for facilitate, and
to make facilitate in sample sentence,
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